Weekly Patent Market Pulse: USTPO Assignments from May 27, 2024 to Jun 2, 2024

From May 27 to June 2, 2024, the U.S. patent market featured notable transactions:

  • GRAI MATTER LABS SAS to SNAP INC (May 28): Neural network processor and method of neural network processing patents.
  • HISTOGEN INC to ALLERGAN SALES INC (May 30): Compositions and methods for reducing inflammation patents.
  • GREEN MARKET SQUARE LTD to WORKDAY INC (May 29): Blockchain authentication and authorization management patents.
  • MAGENTA THERAPEUTICS INC to VOR BIOPHARMA INC (May 28): Compositions and methods for allogeneic transplantation patents.
  • JOHNSON OUTDOORS INC to RAPID DEPLOYABLE SYSTEMS LLC (May 29): Tent accessories: canopy tension adjuster and gable closure system patents.
These transactions involve major companies like SNAP INC, ALLERGAN SALES INC, and WORKDAY INC, highlighting strategic patent acquisitions in various tech sectors.

Please note that the following records include assignments involving more than 5 patents. To access detailed records linking patents and companies, you may be directed to Patentcloud pages where signing in or signing up is required.
Reel No. Recorded Date Execution Date Assignor Assignee # of Patents
67537-339 20240528 20240122 GRAI MATTER LABS SAS SNAP INC 7
Summary of Patents: Neural Network Processor And Method Of Neural Network Processing
This invention relates to a neural network processor and a method of neural network processing. It involves a processing device and method for operating the same, as well as a message-based multi-processor system and method of operating the same.
Summary of Patents: Compositions And Methods For Allogeneic Transplantation
This category focuses on compositions and methods for allogeneic transplantation, including allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant therapy and therapeutic methods using antibody drug conjugates (ADCs). It also covers the use of an anti-CD45 antibody drug conjugate (ADC) in cell therapy, conditioning methods for gene therapy, and methods for allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.
67541-566 20240528 20240429 TRAININGMASK LLC CLEVUM OÜ 18
Summary of Patents: Adjustable Resistance Breathing Mask For Respiratory Training Devices
This device is designed to provide adjustable resistance for inhalation during breathing exercises. It features a variable airflow resistance insert that allows users to customize the level of resistance. The device is used for respiratory training and can be incorporated into breathing masks or other respiratory exercise equipment.
67539-800 20240528 20240418 LENKBAR LLC IN'TECH MEDICAL SAS 8
Summary of Patents: Surgical Reaming Instruments With Adjustable Profile And Expandable Section
This instrument is designed for surgical procedures and features an adjustable profile for precise reaming and shaping of bone structures. It includes a displaceable cutting element and an offset drive shaft, allowing for controlled and accurate bone preparation. The instrument is equipped with a reamer head and an expandable section, operated by an activation rod and trocar. Its adjustable profile and face axis design make it suitable for various surgical applications.
67556-783 20240529 20240327 GREEN MARKET SQUARE LTD WORKDAY INC 145
Summary of Patents: Blockchain Authentication And Authorization Management
This category focuses on enhancing the authentication and authorization capabilities of an application without the need for code changes. It includes features such as VPN client UI and enforcing locational restrictions on stateless transactions. Additionally, it involves attestation identity key pair and private AIK for improved security measures.
Summary of Patents: Tent Accessories: Canopy Tension Adjuster And Gable Closure System
The tent frame components include canopy tension adjuster, swivel portion, gable closure system, mounting apparatus, and wire tray for tents. These components are essential for adjusting canopy tension, supporting tent structures, and incorporating wire trays into the tent frame.
67559-977 20240530 20231003 HISTOGEN INC ALLERGAN SALES INC 11
Summary of Patents: Compositions And Methods For Reducing Inflammation
Extracellular matrix compositions produced under hypoxic culture conditions have shown promise in reducing inflammation. Additionally, low oxygen tension and BFGF have been found to generate a multipotent stem cell from a fibroblast in vitro, offering potential for new methods of inflammation reduction.